Woody Woodpecker: In WaterfoolsSave It -
Well this sure brings me back to the golden age of cartoons! Woody
Woodpecker in Waterfools is your typical side scrolling game except it’s
upside down.
What that
means is that instead of going from left to right you’ll mostly be going
downwards, down the waterfall in a barrel to your horrible demise. Well
not really, actually there’s a bunch of strange things in yellow
raincoats sitting on a ledge cheering “Hoorayy!” every time you complete
a level. I wonder what’s up with that!
The first
level of this mobile game starts with Woody stealing food from a picnic
and then loosing it down a river while being chased by an angry mob, an
interesting choice of “storyline” .. but oh well, you stole that food
and now you have to grab your barrel and get it all back. Each level has
a set of goals to complete like gathering a required number of items,
killing a number of enemies or finishing before a certain time limit
expires, all of which are pretty straight forward and make for
uncomplicated gameplay. Levels are separated into themed sets between
which you will get to have a one on one fight with a boss, and luckily
for you the bosses don’t regenerate their life even if you die fighting
them, at least not until you are forced to use the continue option. The
game also features a “Survivor” mode which is basically just you going
down the waterfall and dodging or killing enemies for as long as you
Version: 2.0
Size: 910 KB
Required: OS 5.0.0 or Higher
Woody Woodpecker: In WaterfoolsSave It
OTA Installer (http://url.prohp.net/pryxk)
Offline Installer
sumber: prohp.net
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