Facebook 4.0 for BlackBerry with Refreshed UI!
Welcome to Facebook 4.0 for BlackBerry! This latest version contains a new navigation menu, pull to refresh, as well as a completely redesigned photoviewer! The photo redesign includes the following new features:
- Enhancements in full screen photo browsing
- Comments & Like/Unlike Buttons
- Ability to view tags
- Slider Animation (Slide between full screen photos)
Known Issues for Facebook
-User might experience profile image issues within notifications quick view
-User may experience scrolling issues
-Liking a photo from a photo comment screen takes you back to the full screen photo
-User may experience incorrect comment count under certain conditions
-Facebook Pull to Refresh Events hangs if more events are displayed in landscape
-Back key does not close add comment dialog on photo full view screen

Version: BETA
File Size: 3.430 KB
Required: 5.0.0 or higher
Download Facebook v4.0.0.12 BETA
OS 5.0 (http://url.prohp.net/zkmxs)
OS 6.0 (http://url.prohp.net/wtjce)
OS 7.0 (http://url.prohp.net/zzxbx)
OS 7.1 (http://url.prohp.net/nrhwj)
OS 5.0
OS 6.0
OS 7.0
OS 7.1
*)PLZ, DONT ASK SERIAL KEY HERE!! FIND YOUR SERIAL AT: https://beta.webapps.blackberry.com/
*)If you already have OLD key, use it. If you dont have key & BBID you must register.
- Register here https://beta.webapps.blackberry.com/defaults/bbid
- Confirm the registration email on your mail inbox
- After it login with your BBID at https://beta.webapps.blackberry.com/
- See the Eligible Program and Download it.
- To see your serial number check your inbox on your e-mail after you have install the program.
sumber: prohp.net
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